Sustainability un-University + GreenPIVOT
The project is highly compatible with a variety of stakeholder types from Professional Associations such as the Ontario Association of Architects, to Community Colleges, and Educational Urban Think Tanks such as the Canadian Urban Institute.
We are very open to establishing meaningful partnerships with worthy and dedicated collaborators
Sustainability un-University is fueled by the belief that the expertise and resources required to meet carbon reduction goals already exist within our community; the gap that we see results from an inability to connect knowledge seekers with knowledge holders in a way that facilitates meaningful learning. This project fills this gap with an affordable, convenient, simple, learner-oriented online platform that empowers teachers and students. It blends the rigour of the ivory tower with DIY entrepreneurialism, while acting as a springboard for discussion, advocacy, and innovation. (see GreenPIVOT below)
Toronto and Ontario in general, possesses tremendous expertise within the Universities and Colleges, as well as within the various professions that shape the biggest contributors to climate change: transportation, building + construction, food production, and energy production. What is also apparent to me is that there is great willingness to share knowledge. What we lack is the teaching and learning infrastructure.
Sustainability Un-University is more than a website, rather it is a learning commons that provides knowledge and skill leaders with the resources and a venue to provide self-paced courses that take full advantage of the late media age – videos, images, diagrams, online tests, discussion forums, slides, etc. Each instructor is to have their own course portal where the content is housed, and will receive a proportion of the course fees as royalties. Students who enroll will pay fees that are more flexible, and substantially lower than if the courses were taken from a college or university and arguably more effectively geared to meet market demands.
Instructors could be anyone from an expert green home builder educating first home buyers on renovation strategies that will make the greatest impact in reducing energy consumption, to an expert in organic urban farming who wants to structure a course around summer food production in suburban plots. The field is wide open for submissions, but educators must apply and be vetted by a selection panel pulled from our community of experts.
Rigour is maintained via two methods: 1) an application process that pulls on Professional volunteers within the professions and academia who can assess the merit of the instructors work. 2) A positively oriented teacher rating system that allows users to rate courses that are exceptionally well taught, referenced, applicable, etc.
In summary, why is this project so significant? Quite simply Reach. Delivering education in this manner has the power to reach many at a relatively low cost.
Summary of Innovative Advantage:
Empowers teachers and students to be more effective agents of change through knowledge transfer and exchange of skill.
Extends reach of knowledge - provides inexpensive access to education
Fosters community among knowledge seekers, can be linked to social and business networking sites
Provides opportunities for skilled and knowledgeable people to become knowledge providers. (An open knowledge delivery system with a local slant)
Infinite possibilities for courses - not shackled to a specific institution, has low overhead and is open to experts based on their demonstrated abilities.
The business model is highly scaleable with low operating costs, and designed to be self perpetuating
Infinite potential for GHG reduction. This project takes a different approach from many of the other submissions in that it is not a singular solution. Rather it acts as an engine or amplifier. It has the capacity to spawn an infinite number of personal or corporate level changes.
It can be viewed such: 1 learner takes a food course and begins to grow their own food in their backyard efficiently and sustainably. That person is now making 5 less trips to the grocery store for fresh produce, while also lowering the demand for such products that require considerable fossil fuel consumption to grow and to transport at the same time. Let’s say a reduction in 10 car trips. Multiply this by the number of people who can take a course at any given time (no actual limit because of method of delivery) let’s say 100, and multiply this by the number of courses offered (theoretically unlimited) let’s say say 50. That’s 10x100x50. That’s 50 000 car trips. This is a rough estimate, but the power of the concept is clear.
Moreover, when compared to traditional methods of transferring skill-based knowledge, it requires very little built infrastructure or physical resources to function. It does not require a classroom, learners can use products that they already own (computers), there are no textbooks, and nobody commutes.
Without selling the concept short by restricting the benefits to only a few examples, a small sample of possibilities follow:
- Increased solar panel installation (reduced emissions from energy production)
- Modified consumer behaviour that results from better understanding
- Local food production (reduced demand for industrial/petroleum based food production)
- Green roofs (Increased carbon sequestration)
- Energy Conservation in business (Electricity + heating loads) via education about best practices for office managers, facility managers, small busines owners etc (reduced energy consumption)
This project is scaleable once it is established, because its operating costs are low. Even having just one instructor and 5 students will make the site viable. Instructors receive compensation in the form of royalties from enrollment. Their income increases as a function of their enrolment and depends on providing excellent content. Most of the funding will be needed to design and build the site, but this can be kept very low by using mostly off the shelf and open source web products. Otherwise, the model is simple, it provides easy access to expertise and compensates contributors. The cost of hosting the service can be kept very low by using scalable cloud-based services.
Bonus: Future Vision for Growth
GreenPIVOT is a second (expansionary) phase of the site; it is a match-up service between micro-capital (small or large investors interested in supporting green ideas), and the expertise required to make it happen (knowledge holders) within a platform for generating ideas. It would constitute a dating service for marrying ideas to capacity and to capital; one that leverages an established community of knowledge leaders and engaged learners.
A note on Marketing
The most appropriate marketing for this site would be a kind of un-marketing. Marketing that results from partnering and from producing a product that is genuinely helpful and desirable. This begins by prototyping early and reaching out early. Since the people who provide content to the site benefit financially from the site, and many will have networks, they must act as marketing partners by bringing their networks with them. Accordingly, the first stage of this process will involve recruiting knowledge providers (people) and advocacy/educational bodies that have their own networks to participate in the process and create content for the site. These groups (largely NGO’s) are networked and have many of their own followers. There may be a need to use some form of social media based marketing to grow the site at different points but that is hard to gauge from where we stand, and I will do more homework on it in the meantime.
Sound interesting
Sounds interesting, but I am not sure what the outcome may look like.
If you study how German industries train their skilled manpower to fill their need, you may collaborate with the industry to meet skilled manpower supply. You are based on industry rather than higher education that require more time to complete. Your collaboration will turn over supply side more readily and faster than long schooling regime. So it would be more practical and realistic adapt to fast-changing landscape of the industries. You may aim at gerneral service to facilitate industry to manage their training outside the premises. This may fit better in Canada.
Brilliant Idea!
Brilliant idea! This proposal addresses one of the fundamental gaps that i think is often neglected, and in doing so will deliver a significnat ongoing postitive impact.
Sustainable & Effective Plan!
Love that the effect will be immediate and can only grow with increased involvement. Limitless potential!
Great Idea!
I like the concept of including and leveraging the broader community, as it taps into an unrealized resource and provides an opportunity to deliver a scalable process and appropriate tools to deliver maximum impact (and at a low cost).
The program promotes
The program promotes integration and communication, which always seem to be more importtant barriers to overcome than technical feasibility. The only wekaness i see is that it hasnt been funded!
Fund it!
More initiatives such as this PLEASE!!!!!
This is a "no brainer". Funding must be there for such a worthwhile initiative.
fantastic ....
strong proposal
not much just yet ...
great proposal
no feedback yet ...
Great Idea!
It'll be a great way to share knowledge.
This is an extremely
This is an extremely important initiative with unlimited potenital!
A cutting edge idea
This an important problem and an innovative solution. It empowers individuals and facilitates learning with real world applications.
More clarity please
This is an interesting idea, with a lot of passion and energy behind it. It sounds a bit like the green Learning Annex.
examples, case studies, and detail on how the site will work.
It's an interesting idea, but
It's an interesting idea, but I get the sense the value of the current proposal has been inflated here by some passionate supporters. There's not a lot of solid feedback for you so far.
For one, the players involved in the project have not been articulated - this can make or break your initiative.
Two - it would be useful to post your marketing plan. Web-based ideas often suffer from an assumption that if you build it, they will come... What is your strategy for continually driving customers and contributors to your site?
It would be essential for this project to prototype and test early in the process to determine if the site would really be used the way you envision. And the testing should be based on actual usage rather than reported usage so you get real, tangible data to inform if and how to develop the idea.
Amazing idea! This idea has the power to change attidues, behaviors and possibly the world! Absolutely an idea worth spreading.
Great idea
This project sounds like an innovative idea focusing on sustainable education. The only issue I see with this project is the fact that it is based on the number of students enrolled in the program. This may not be an issue in the future, but starting out it may be difficult to attract students and instructors to the program. Definitely a project that should be considered.
Spectacular! i love it!
Spectacular! i love it! definitely the right time to optimize on this opportunity!
Wow Derek! This is AMAAAAZING! Im so glad someone came up with such a great idea that can really really help with this great cause!! GREAT JOB!
Please add value with your comments
While it is great to be supportive of a proposal, comments like "Awesome" and "Fantastic" are better expressed through a simple star rating. These single word comments have been removed from this thread to reduce clutter and allow for greater real dialogue.
Big Spark
Challenge Administrator
Gaming this entry
Hey Big Spark,
It's probably already on your radar, but this entry might need another look - more gaming of the ratings seems to be playing out here.
In the funding world, reputation is HUGE...
An essential grass roots green initiative
The projects strengths are in its low start-up cost and its simplicity. It also targets at an essential point in the chain of green sustainability projects; at its roots.
All proposals are made better with visuals, and no doubt there will be some fantastic ones once the proposal is presented by this budding architect.
Excellent idea
This is a no brainer... A must do.
Its very good as it is - fund it!
Great idea!
Great idea!
...but perhaps a shorter title?!
Fantastic idea!
Exciting to hear of ventures that will bring about positive social change!
I see a lot wrong with this proposal.
1. How will you verify your reductions?
2. Crowd sourced information does not work - it will be filled with errors and spam.
I think when people see
I think when people see firsthand the results of their energy, they start to think about it.
Like the Toyota Prius displays your mpg over a trip. Drivers start to monitor this and actually adjust their habits because they are proud to keep it low. I've seen that first hand with several Prius owners.
But Prius owners tend to be more eco-minded at this point, so getting the general population seeing the dollar benefit as well will be very important. Hopefully the smart meters achieve this visibility. Carried out right, this could be valuable.
The sharing of information
The sharing of information and resouces sounds great. Hopefully exchange of information and resources between communities and involvement of more rural or remote locales will be facilitated. I like the idea of involving the "front line " experts in the education process.
Excellent work!
Can't wait to see where you take this!
I am confused at how you will educate people to start with this.
Needs more explanation
Good idea - Loads of potential!
Love the idea of an open-source education model linking students with real world 'experts'.
Have you thought about allowing businesses to fund the platform & making the content free to the user? Small and medium sized businesses and public/private partnerships with a focus on sustainability might have a need for venue to help educate customers or even train potential employees.
Derek, thanks for your
Derek, thanks for your response.
Best wishes for success with this idea.
Thanks derek
I will be interested in seeing how you progress. For sure, the Learning Annex doesn't have an eco section, so there is value in the idea.
Expand Your Scope
You seem to build your work around website and go from there. That can lead to good networking avenues. But can you measure result in a tangible way?
Best educational tool for climate and conservation issues can be aimed at colleges and universities. How about you pool expert resources and create lecture series for school credit courses for candidates for architects and engineers. How to design to save energy, to reduce carbon footprints, to facilitate green practice and so on in their practice for clients would be built into at conception stages.
Nice idea about connecting
Nice idea about connecting people with knowledge, but I agree with an earlier comment that marketing and driving traffic to your website / tool is the most difficult part.
Pilot test the model with a few groups to work out the kinks, and maybe find a way to piggy back or maximize on an existing system -- e.g. offer the course at low cost or free to non-profits looking to do distance teaching and sharing with partners.
This increases understanding and use of the system and establishes the system as a credible and understandable way to learn/teach.
Innovative and Fresh! Really
Innovative and Fresh! Addressing the educational system en mass is a wonderful idea, we all need to know more.
So important
without a doubt I believe that knowledge is the key to becoming a friendlier enviromental planet, if all universities and educating institutions could have a space that teaches its students about becoming experts in what hurts the planet and how to help it make it a better place, without a doubt we would get really far in achieving what we want, wich is healthy living planet.
sounds like to
sounds like to see the progression
I really believe this will
I really believe this will make a positive impact!
Good work Derek, thanks for
Good work Derek, thanks for the "clarifying" response.
Does it work?
I want to believe the truism that 'knowledge is power'. Have you tested, demonstrated, validated that knowledge of the kind you are proposing will actually reduce emissions? There is plenty of evidence that people know what can be done, what they could and should do, but lots of reasons they don't.
Looking for an 'effectiveness' assessment of this initiative. Who are the competitors, or, who would be an existing agency/institution that could provide the infrastructure through which this knowledge-transfer/learning could be conveyed?
A very refreshing initiative. This definately has a lot of potential and could really help close the gap!
Sounds like a good idea,
Sounds like a good idea,
strengths: flexible, afforable, right on your computer
weaknesses: needs some structure
Awesome idea!
Awesome idea!
Very interesting!
Very interesting!
Interesting proposal
This an interesting way of incorpoeating the entire community. A good avenue to get students involved. Could definately help closing the gap
Too much praise
The praise you are receiving for this rather content-free idea undermines the proposals credibility. I think you should email your contacts to tell them to stop heaping on the thoughtless compliments.
The value of this service assumes you've got a market of students who are already interested in changing their own behaviour, don't know how, and are willing to pay for it. The suggested course content seems to talk about how to change ones personal behaviour, but when it comes to ones own behaviour (ie turning off lights) there are very few who know what they don't know. I think if your content focussed on more technical courses such as how to install greenhouse gas saving technology, then you would find people willing to use your portal to find out "what they don't know". It might complement the proposal of the Green Skills Network Career College, that our organization is pitching. I also think meaningful behaviour change is only accomplished through direct person-to-person contact, so a purely web-based effort will not reach its max potential.

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Without a doubt, this
Without a doubt, this solution is not just a one shot deal. It’s a strategy that exists to generate many solutions! It is refreshing to see something that opens up a new space for individuals who might not normally be in a position to reach many to teach, learn, and collaborate.