The Winners

10/10 Commuter Challenge (Finalist.)

UPDATE: 2011/11/14

Thank you to everyone who spent the time commenting and voting for our project, 10/10 Commuter Challenge. Like our other idea (GardenShare), many of the questions you are asking, we asked ourselves when we set out to design this project. Please read through the comments and my answers.


Carbon Savings - Promoting tangible methods of conservation (Finalist.)

Updates based on feedback:

Many have felt this proposal is based on measuring a person's carbon footprint, instead we are helping people estimate the economic and environmental benefits they can expect to achieve by switching to a new light bulb, showerhead or even by adding a rain barrel. 


GreenHeroes (Finalist.)

The GreenHeroes Take Action Campaign is designed to help transform audiences from mere viewers to involved do-ers by connecting them to people who heroically ventured forth and acted on an idea to help protect the planet. These out-of-the-box thinkers have created movements inside the mainstream that have led to emission reductions and more.


Inter-School Collaboration for Conservation Quantification (Finalist.)

The purpose of the Inter-School Conservation Quantification Collaboration effort is to empower Grade 8 students and teachers to understand the direct impact that their actions to reduce energy consumption will have. This would inspire further exploration in high school and post-secondary school.

Innovative Aspect


Lightweight Rooftop Vegetable Gardens (Finalist.)


The objective of Rooftop Gardens Inc. is to design and build year-round rooftop vegetable gardens that are lightweight so they don’t exceed the structural capacity of standard flat rooftops.  These gardens will serve private citizens, restaurants, community groups and schools by providing local, organic produce on site for kitchens and nutrition programs.



Low Carbon Condominium (Finalist.)

Options for Homes is already well known in the GTA as a developer of cost effective ownership housing.  We developed the first three condominiums in the Distillery.  Our most recent development is the 643 suite Heintzman Place in the Junction.

We are now planning to develop a new condominium with the lowest carbon footprint in North America.


SolarShare Community Solar Bonds (Finalist.)

UPDATE: 11/11/14

Thanks for the comments and words of encouragement on the SolarShare submission conversation and posting page - in particular we appreciate the intent of most of the commentators to participate in SolarShare's community power model when we reach regulatory approvals stage.


unstash - peer-to-peer platform for sharing (Finalist.)

'Unstash' is a peer-to-peer online service for collaborative consumption.  Our mission is to make sharing awesome again.  We tackle the often unspoken cause behind greenhouse gas emissions and climate change - our unending consumption of goods.  

While we tend to focus on solutions like transportation and energy use when dealing with climate change, the reality is 'the stuff we consume accounts for nearly half of green house gases


Young Urban Farmers CSA (Finalist.)

Young Urban Farmers CSA is a non-profit organization with the goal of reconnecting people to fresh, locally-grown food. We do this by converting Toronto’s backyards into a sustainable source of fresh, delicious produce for its urban inhabitants and distributing the food via a community shared agriculture (CSA) model.


ZooShare (Finalist.)

ZooShare Biogas Co-operative Inc. is a non-profit renewable energy co-operative that is developing a 500 kW community-owned biogas plant on the grounds of the Toronto Zoo, turning the Zoo's annual manure output and food waste from GTA-based grocery stores into electricity, heat, fertilizer and cash for the Zoo.

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