Multi-Residential Lighting Conservation Engagement (Finalist)
EcoSPARK Lighting Solutions -
Centennial College
- School of Business -
- School of Communications, Media and Design -
- Student Residence Services -
The Multi-Residential Conservation Engagement, takes lessons learned in the condominium market, and will validate whether rental communities can be similarly engaged in an in-suite lighting audit and retrofit project
In late 2010, EcoSpark Lighting Solutions conducted the largest in-suite lighting audit and retrofit project in a multi-residential building up to now. The project saved the specific condominium 353.90 Demand KW and over $110,000/year in operating costs. The condominium was also entitled to the largest Government rebate ever provided by a local distribution company for a condo-wide lighting retrofit project to this date.
The project demonstrated how you can get an “Owner” community engaged in reducing energy consumption.
We also identified a significant difference in consumption between an “Owner” that was sub-metered and responsible to pay for the electricity they consumed, as opposed to an “Owner” who was not sub-metered, and who pays for electricity based on the square footage of their unit as a percentage of the overall building square footage.
The Multi-Residential Conservation Engagement, takes lessons learned in the condominium market, and will validate whether rental communities can be similarly engaged in an in-suite lighting audit and retrofit project, and to determine if the same consumtion differences are seen whether each unit is sub-metered or not.
With the support of the Board of Directors, who have responsibility for the common areas of a condominium, the method used was to approach each unit and propose custom lighting solutions for them depending on their needs and wants.
The main goal is to bring the community together in reducing the amount of energy wasted by inefficient light bulbs and ballasts while keeping the lighting pleasant and in keeping with aesthetic requirements...
We are proposing to see if a student community of renters at Centennial College, would be engaged in having an in-suite lighting upgrade:
a) If there is no sub-metering in the unit, the cost of the lighting upgrade would be borne by the owner of the Student rental housing facility, since they gain the benefit of reduced electrical consumption and associated reduced electricity cost. This is the case with most student housing facilities.
b) If there is sub-metering in the unit, the cost of the lighting upgrade would be borne by the renter of the individual Student rental housing unit, since they gain the benefit of reduced electrical consumption and associated reduced electricity cost
The overall goal, in either case is reducing the amount of energy consumed, the associated carbon footprint and lowering the electricity bill for the person who actually pays the local distribution company for it.
The engagement model, when deployed at a 504 suite condominium in Toronto, where each unit was not sub-metered, saved 353.90 Demand KW, over $110,000/year and saw over an 80% participation rate.
When changing light bulbs in a community-wide project, the reduction of kWh is extremely substantial, especially when the community participation is over 80 percent.
When a building is sub-metered it would be a direct incentive for the unit owner to do anything to lower their electrical consumption for the purpose of saving them money.
In a non sub-metered building, the community involvement is still very important because if each unit has their lighting changed it will affect the building’s operating cost which will in turn lower the common expense fees in the future. It is then up to the Board of Directors to decide what to do with the Government incentive gained from the project.
In a Condominium with sub-meters we took on average a connected load of x and reduced it to y.
With the assumption that the lights are on for z hours a day, we saved the Condominium unit owner a significant amount of money on a yearly basis.
In a Condominium without sub-meters we took on average a connected load of x’ and reduced it to y’.
With the assumption that the lights are on z’ hours a day, we saved the Condominium Corporation a significant amount of money on a yearly basis, which will be alocated to the unit owners based on the descretion of the Board of Directors.
The emission reduction potential in the rental market is expected to be in the same range, but they will be dependent on the exercises we choose to use and measure against the baseline we establish.
EcoSPARK Lighting Solutions - - This company has the experience and reference customers in the Condo market and are the for-profit partner in this effort. They will be bringing their lessons learned and working with Centennial to determine the applicability and energy consumption reduction potential in a rental environment.
Centennial College – Student Residence Services - This organization will be asked to provide access to a number of rental units under their control, so we can establish a couple of study groups, sub-metered and non-submetered
Centennial College – School of Business - This group will be asked to look at the buiness aspects and key indicators of success for this study, and determine how the model could be expanded within the Centennial community and beyond
Centennial College – School of Communications, Media and Design - this group will be asked to assist in the communications aspect of engaing the target community, and to capture success stories from the earlier experience inthe condo market. Various media will be used to easily communicate the value proposition.
With the amount of electrical reduction and the money saved from it, communities will begin to see that this idea is crucial in all multi-residential buildings.
It will also ensure them that they are not using out of date lighting technologies that is costing them top dollar to run especially with the rising electricity costs.
This is a very easy way of saving money and reducing their carbon footprint at the same time.
This project will definitely have a domino effect and as soon as a few communities get on board, every community will want to be a part of it.
Student rental
Great idea, I hope it keeps gaining recognition. Very self-sustainable and measurable. Keyed in on your target market well and this idea is clean and simple.
Can this be turned into a city/nation wide effort?
Light bulbs
The concept sounds great and is doable in any community and township.
How are you planning on disposing the old light bulbs?
Interesting idea
ABle to document the financial success of the program as well as the energy saving component
Non profit housing participation in this project would reflect savings for government
Very well done , exicted to
Very well done , exicted to see results
amazing idea, love it
amazing idea, love it
this is going to be big!
this will be a special opportunity for all!
Great Proposal
It was a great proposal becuase it was very measurable and has a proven track record.
domino effect
I really like the future aspects of this venture and believe that this could pave the way for many buildings to jump on board. Especially since Government incentives are offered, this project should fly high.
I am pro new lighting technologies and believe that it can save a substaintial amount of energy. I see the street lighting slowly being changed over to LEDs so I know there is definitely a market for this.
What is the method of this project?
I think this is a very
I think this is a very practical idea that can be applied to almost any type of building.
GreenHeroes Supports MRCE - CALL TO ACTION
Http:// supports MRCE - we think it is fantastic that there is a way to get such positive results from renters across Toronto in the way results were made in the Condo market. This is an example of a story that could be told on the GreenHeroes media channels - to share stories across Toronto, Ontario and around the world. It also could work well with our Game challenge idea as it might be possible to broaden the challenge across Ontario using the GreenHeroes media channels for the CAll to ACTION!!
Support of GH
Thank you very much for your interest in this project. We would love to be a part of your show by telling our story and hoping that more people follow in our direction to conserve energy.
I've heard recently some
I've heard recently some negative comments on some of the newer lighting options (recycling options, hazardous materials, inability to 'dim', less than expected total savings due increased heating costs due to no heat from bulbs, 'warm up' electical costs etc.). I know nothing of these details.... but suspect you will need to include some FAQ/Mythbusters in your program promotions.
I like the idea.... but think you need to engage the 'owner' (eg. building owner, not unit owner) to a greater extent. Engaging individuals is a much longer process with hit/miss results and no benefit to that person. Engaging more owners might create faster results.
Also a lighting FAQ/Myth sheet would be usefull in promotions.
Thank you for your feedback RogerB. Here are some answers to your inquiry. The same said for the 'warming' can be said for the air conditioning cost, which is greater than the cost to warm. It will usually level itself off in a full year spectrum and is not usually a primary concern. When using LED light bulbs there is no recycling concern as they are not hazardous to the environment. With the significant increase in lighting technologies available to us now, the shift towards LEDs are beginning to be extremely apparent. Also, property owners will always be responsible for spearheading this project with us in a non-sub metered building since they are the ones that see the savings and we would only need the renters to let us schedule a time with them to be a part of the program. They really do not have to do too much. Engaging owners is what this project is about.
Good plan
I really like the way that incentives can be given out in this project
Good work students at Centennial
Great to learn that you are working on metrics and the behind changing our lights.
It is so importan that we monitor our actions in a precise metrics system so that we can start valuing our energy in a way that gives an incentive to save instead of waste light.
Amazing story about how the poorest of our world make light from a recycled bottle.
We can learn from people like these to save energy.
Be well and live well,
How are you going to get other Colleges and Universities to take your challenge on.
Have you thought of CONII or ORION
Great idea and good track record
This project sounds terrific, I think one of the best parts of this engagement process is that it may introduce sustainable concepts to many people and prove the business case with results.
The improved lighting efficiency and conservation efforts is a great first step (low-hanging fruit) and once communities get involved there could be subsequent opportunities to further improve energy efficiency and involve other sustainable inititatives such as local heat/power generation, green roofs, water savings, waste management.
It's all about embracing change!
This project is one of those simple but of great socio-economical important. The success depends on the consumer awareness and their adaptation and acceptance of the whole concept. Kudos to the champion team for telling us how that gigantic energy issue can be dealt with by taking these baby steps.
Awareness is the key to the success of this project. The more people are informed and made aware the impact of this project on both society and their financial savings. This project should be marketed well in order to reach the masses. It should become talk of the town and people should embrace this simple solution, rather than it should be forced change it should be the much needed change.
Innovative Idea
I feel this is a brilliant idea to conserve electricity and also a great way in creating awareness among residentials. It would also cut costs. If this hits the right market then it will be a huge success.
All residentials and students should be aware of this project so that it is been put into in use and follwed by everyone. Various communities need to be involved so that energy can be saved.
Great Potential for National Application
I think this is a strong and relevant idea that could be implemented relatively easily throughout the province and potentially across the country if the government offers grants to initiate it and creates PR campaigns around it. Everyone is hyperaware about the rising electricity costs and if this idea can directly translate into a cost-savings for renters (besides lowering their carbon footprints) then, why wouldn't these hard-working people jump on board?
Weaknesses: I don't know if it would be that effective if there were no sub-metering in individual units as that would really be the way to promote lower energy consumption
perhaps by offering a hypothetical/projected cost-savings for the average renter based on the knowledge you have from your condo project.
change that will generate gretter efficiency
This project has got some real strengths that can be of immense help to the society and even it can help in greater conservation of the energy if it is supported by big communities and political groups.As in todays world efficiency will always be rewarded,no matter in what so ever field it may be.This whole project will lead to a total change in society as a greater amount of innovation is generated.
This project in itself is a big success so it does not need any greater improvement but as i earlier mentioned if more people are joining it ,by taking it as a noble cause,it would be of great success.The project requires only a greater amount of grapevine,in order to become most successful.
Fantastic Proposal
I think this is great idea. By changing inefficient light bulbs will help in reducing electricity cost and also electricity consumption.If it is implemented properly then it will be beneficial for the society.
This proposal can be improved by creating awareness among the society.Different methods should taken for informing the people. If people are more informed about this concept then they will take more initative which will help in success of proppsal.
Better way to preserve our environment
The project itself is the better way to preserve the environment, and the new lighting technologies help in this way.
The new way for us for re-thinking the world, the revolution for human being.
The acceptance from whole society and enhance the recogniztion from everyone.
Good Idea!
Best Idea
It should be a practical idea,and should be used everywhere
I think the idea is great and
I think the idea is great and am excited to see it implimented.
I strongly support this idea,
I strongly support this idea, love the new lighting technologies and sounds preety practical to do.
This is great for the community
Reducing energy usage is very important and this project targets important parts of our community and not only that but gets them involved
Technology is constantly changing and what is your plan to stay current with it?
exchange the old for new
this proposal has found the exact place where there is a scope of improvement in oreder to better the environment. people are reluctant to change as they are too comfortable doing the stuff the old way, but making them realize the long-term consequences of their callous attitute towards the environment is the best way to get them up and going to save what is left..
get people to exchange their old energy consuming bulbs/lighting for new energy saving ones, by giving them discounts on their purchase if they return the old lighting. this way, recycling won't be an issue and many more will come out and buy new ones.
I think a focus on multi-res
I think a focus on multi-res is a good idea to push a community change.
I agree, I think it is critical that there is safe proper disposal of older lighting. This has to be part of any upgrade program.
Also, working with Student Res is a great idea. Can you get some on-campus interest groups involved?
A powerful and effective step............................
This is an imparative step to save one of the scarce resources of energy. It is like stepping stone to preserve the energy for the future generation and hope that they will follow these kind of projects to save our energy sources. This concept is totally depend upon the cooperation of infrastructure holders and real estate holders. Students can do more efforts in the success of this concept.
The success of the project is totally depend upon the awareness. It can be effective if it will considered on individual level. Everyone should accept his responsibility to save the energy then it would be the key to success of this project. It should also include the support of building owners as well renters of the buildings.
Scaling light energy conservation this way could reduce the power burden from highrises which are becoming everpresent in Toronto!
Awareness will lead to engagement. If the renters are on board they will be able to place pressure on the owners, increasing the chance of buy in. While awareness is a good start, community engagement will play a big role in ensuring success. Once stakeholders are aware, how will the support be mobilized?
Conserving energy by introducing a unique idea
Well i would like to congratulate the organisation for their immense contribution towards the environment. In todays busy world no one is willing to spare some time for sustaining the environment where you people are doing a great job. The idea of introducing sub - meters is the best one i feel, because there will not be biases between tenant and landlord. From the overall perspective, i think its a great idea.
The only way i think it needs to improve is by working globally so that more people get to know about it.Rest all is perfect.
A Practical & Viable Proposal !!
I want to Congratulate the Organization to bring in such a positive proposal to save energy & enviroment. The idea includes student's community, who are the future. So involving future with present is one of the best part of this proposal. And involvement and cooperation of every one is the key input for this proposal. Best of Luck for converting your proposal to reality
Different Communities are engaged in the proposal , so every one should understand their responsibility to make this proposal a success. Rest an Osam project
Great Hope!
I think this is a very innovative and great idea.The project itself has a great potential for a better way to preserve the environment, and the new lighting technologies help in this way. By changing inefficient light bulbs will help in reducing electricity cost and also electricity consumption.If it is implemented properly then it will be beneficial for everyone.
This project should reach out a maximum no. of people. Awareness is a crucial element to the proposal. The proposal id mutually dependant on the people and everyone involved should accept their responsibility to save the energy onlyt then it would be possible project would be successful. It should also include the support of building owners as well renters of the buildings.
great idea
Strength of this proposal is that it will lead to more efficient use of power consumption thus making it more sustainaible for our future generation.Secondly, there would be huge savings in terms of the production of the energy if less of energy is consumed.
Weakness- The proposal wouldn't suit the International students who dont work or who doesnt have a regular flow of income. Even providing sub-meters to all the renters will be an issue.
The proposal could be improved by creating better awareness among the consumers of energy regarding the importance of the same. The proposal could be more than successful if the consumers take more initiative.
Energy and its ultimate usage
Talking about strengths of this proposal, its to be noted that there are a number of Condos over here in toronto which use a hell lot of energy on a daily basis and according to me by using this proposal efficiently we can save a lot of energy. Not only energy even a lot of cost can be saved as well. Now a days the most debated topic is the increasing level of carbon footprints and if we want to live nicely on earth i think we need to decrease some of these carbon foot prints. for decreasing these carbon foot prints, one of the baby step is "this proposal"
according to me the improvement can only be commented after effectively trying out this proposal. if we focus on the appartments using heavy energy along with the Condos then it will be much more better and efficient enough to decrease the carbon foot prints in Toronto....thats it for the time being
saving is generating..
This proposal in itself has got an immense potential to be an efficient method of saving the electricity, which ulimately will help the depleting natural resources and the environment. Moreover since this proposal focuses on the saving withe efficeint and effective utilization of avaible resources, which means it is equivalent to that of producing the same amount of energy without any addition in inputs.
Since this proposal is entirely based on the individual efforts, thus the individuals must be made aware of the possible benefits of this small step. so that this proposal proves to be a sucess
This is a very interesting
This is a very interesting project and easy to understand project! In contrast to many other ideas, it is very easy to support this project, since everybody can participate! Furthermore, there are no boundaries, since the idea can be expanded to other cities, communities and even countries! Keep it simple...sometimes it is worth more, than complex project nobody understands!
As I already mentioned: Try to expand the project to other communities and cities, in order to raise and increase the national and international attention
Pay as you consume ( Sub-metering )
It’s a great proposal to lessen the level energy consumption, as we all know the multi-residential buildings consume energy in abundance, which need a lot of resources. So, to drop the consumption of energy it is a great idea of sub metering the condos. As then residents of the buildings has to pay as per their consumption.
We should make people more aware of energy consumption, sub-metering and energy saver bulbs are great ideas to reduce the consumption of energy, as being the native of this earth it is our duty to save the resources of the nature.
Cost Effective and Energy Efficient Proposal
This proposal shows maximum level of energy efficiency that is technically feasible and economically justified.It describes not only the lightining takes less cost to operate but have lower environmental impacts.The success of the proposal can be measured by more consumers adopting and bolstering this project.Overall It works for the benefit of society.
Consumers should be imparted proper knowledge about this project and energy saving practices followed.There should be effective marketing strategies to have more awareness among consumers.
Effective beginning
This energy saving idea is a great idea and an effective beginning which includes the students. The students can be referred as the future so in future we don't need to take these steps again and they would be already aware of this.Moreover this step will be helpful to current generation as well as future so it is the roots for saving energy !!!
This proposal can be improved by marketing it in the colleges and the work places !! it should not be compulsion but yeah effective videos should be made so that youth support this !!!
fantastic idea
Its a great idea of effeciently use of energy . As it say lighting take low cost and have less impact on enviroment which really great move towards sustainable enviroment. Invpolving students in this project is a good idea.
By creating more awarness about the project. Otherwise itz a great idea.
Energy Efficient Designed Proposal
The proposal here clearly illustrates energy saving measures in multi-residential buildings.It describes the change in energy efficiency trends which optimize and conserve saves money and energy.The money saved can be used by consumers can be used in other effective area.This also helps in sustainable development.
Consumers should be made aware of energy consumption and sub-metering process.Resources should be saved to maximum which sould be the main objective.More information and details should be given about the indicators of proposal to the consumers.Consumer awareness and their acceptance of this project can lead to success of this project.
Concept of a sustainable future
This concept can really be effective and is more over practical. The change of light bulbs will help in lower consumption of energy and reduce the burden on Toronto to buy or produce more electricity as the population is increasing due to entry of immigrants and birth rate.
This concept can be further developed with spreading awareness amongst the residents of the region and as we take the initiative it will be possible for other states and cities to follow it and can lead to a cleaner and a greener planet.
Easy to implicate
In my opinion the most important strength is that this porject is very easy to implicate and as well it is easy to spread around the community. I think this project can also improve the communal spirit and can connect people who are living together quite closely. They will have the common goal to save energy and reduce emmissions and the better they all work together the better the results will be.
But a weakness might be to get all these people contributing to that project. Not everybody wants to participate and cares that much about the environment.
People have to learn how easy it is to do something for a better environment and that this does not come with many efforts. Maybe it is possible to offer people who are contributing some rewards, since most of the student homes do not have sub-metering and therefore the participant will not have a profit from participating.
Common theme bringing togather people
Common goal and need brings out people togather for the cause, hence in my opinion it is a great theme to work on, as the whole planet is concerned with the problems which we are facing and we are about to face. hence the mass attention which is necessary for the problem.
weakness is ignorance by some people.
we can educate about the problems to people who feel out and dont concern with the climatic and enviornment problem.
I think this project is
I think this project is really beneficial for the whole environment, and also it does good to the society. Since it is an individual activity, people can join it easily just by doing it right the minute. Saving electricity itself is a good thing for the rentals, even it costs a little to use new bulb, but it is a long-way beneficial thing.
I think more information should be given such as the cusumption joining this project and not joining the project, so that more people can tell the difference their activities may influent the environment and also the amount of electricity they save
Even though i think it is a good idea, there should be more research done in order to complete the whole proposal. Electricity is one of the main enviromental resources we use and it is important to use it wisely. therefore I think it is important to take into into consideration.
fantastic idea, looking
fantastic idea, looking forward to seeing it implemented from concept to reality
Amazing idea, love it
Amazing idea, love it
Expand your awareness campaign
great idea
Its a very goog project and the idea is awesome.Its important that electricity should be used wisely and to make sure norms should be made. And i feel that for such an cause, it should be taken into consideration. For future longterm prospect its a very good step.
It ca be improved by more and more research. Any project requires research and it can also be improved through critical research on the lighting systems in the residential.
Its viability is its greatest asset. As compared to other ideas this project has more positives and is seriously viable. The project is truely effective and goes a long way to contribute socially. It contributes a lot as it reduces emmission and saves energy consumption. its a new venture and totally bring people together to contribute towards society just like "The Earth Hour"
This proposal is really good. just need to focus upon getting more people contribue towards it. this will happen when there is some incentive for people to participate.
Like this idea
This great idea to save energy.
Will it be applicable to nation wide? By that way we can save more energy.
New Breakthrough and Very Efficient Proposal
I think this is a very innovative idea and this would not only save Wastage of Energy but will also reduce the amount of expenses done by the owner of the appartment. I am looking forward for this project in the near future. Something New has been researched on and this project will sure hit the market very soon..
After reading this I can confidently say that this will not only help the Owner, but also bring some sense of responsibility in the students who are staying here as a bachelor ans wasting the electricity and water. This will give society a New dimension and will improve the living. Pay and Use is always the best way. Now more water will be saved. This project should not only be applicable to Ontario but shoul also develop a research and marketing strategy and cover atleast canada.
As it is always said Every project has equal number of weaknesses and strengths but in this project the strength of the project is more than its weakness and wish a very good luck for this project to be implemented in canada as this helps not only people but also society
The project is very well drafted and i think there is jst a little need to spread this information so they people are aware of this and they get the correct information.
This is a very nice step to save our environment and sustain our precious resources like energy.It would be a great help to our society.Projects like these needs to be acknowledged, appreciated and should be encouraged.Regulations should be made to consume electricity wisely.As this a not a problem for any individual and it is a common problem everyone should be equally concerned for it.
Initiative should be taken by all social organizations to spread awarness ,not only in those particular areas but also beyond it. As this is a global issue and everybody can be effected by this so the people who are putting there step forward needs encouragement to proceed further in this noble cause .
Good idea
This idea has the prospect to be expanded to a much larger scale.Thus, it could bring awareness among people about the various opportunities by which they can reduce energy consumption and thus conserve the environment.
The real challenge will be to make this idea practical among the community.
Congratulations for the wonderful initiative
I would like to congratulate the organization for such a wonderful initiative and also making people aware about the ways that they can conribute to the healthy environment and on the same hand, the way they can save their money. As far the strengths and weaknesses of this project are concerned, then I am seeing it much more advantageous which only needs the better implementation and that can be done with the support of majority and also the support of Government.
This project as seen is one of the biggest contributor to the environment itself. As the process of implementation of this project begins, then we slowly come to know that where exactly it needs improvement.
The Planet Earth
If it becomes viable, it will be a great asset to all mankind on this earth. This project has great potential for success and will go a long way for positive contribution towards social aspects. Saving energy while reducing emissions is going to be the greatest achievement of these times when we are all worried to save the environment on our planet earth. The cause of this project is appealing for every one and will bring people togather to rebuild our societies on new thinking.One thing is very necessary that suffecient research should be done on this project for making it feasible and more benificial.
Our only hebitate, earth
If it becomes viable, it will be a great asset to all mankind on this earth. This project has great potential for success and will go a long way for positive contribution towards social aspects. Saving energy while reducing emissions is going to be the greatest achievement of these times when we are all worried to save the environment on our planet earth. The cause of this project is appealing for every one and will bring people togather to rebuild our societies on new thinking.One thing is very necessary that suffecient research should be done on this project for making it feasible and more benificial.
Very good project....................
Its a really very good plan.I like the ideas.This plan is really very good for students.
Good project.
The strength of the project are as follows.
1. It could bring awareness among people about the various opportunities by which they can reduce energy consumption.
2. This project has great potential for success and will go a long way for positive contribution towards social aspects.
3. Reducing the amount of energy consumed, the associated carbon footprint and lowering the electricity bill for the person who actually pays the local distribution company for it.
To make this Idea in practical is a really very difficult task.
Simple yet powerful
great initiative. acheiveable and really good for society. lot of effort has been put in planning. clearly evident. the execution is also viabl. the best thing is everyone can contribute in it and can payback to society.
increase the reach to people and the job will be automatically be done
"Go Green and Go Clean"
This proposal will bring the whole community together to safeguard the environment. The main goal of this proposal is to change the inefficient light bulbs into efficient LED light bulbs on a community level which will result in efficient energy consumption. Thus, saving energy will reduce the carbon emissions which will result in earning carbon credits in the future. The world will be a better and cleaner environment to live in through such a "Green Sustainable Plan."
We can improve this proposal by increasing the awareness and magnitude of this project and conduct a "Global Green Event".
Green City.... Clean city...!!!
This idea is awesome intiative for going green, this will consume very less power so will be saving so much of energy. This project if impleted will have a direct contribution towards going green concept.
This idea should not only implement in few condo's it has to be implemented in apartments and townhouses aswell..
Earth will shine, without burning of Coal and wood
yes ,it is a great step towards the needs of energy. it can be successfull at national level, if every college and university will join this collaborative effort. Meanwhile, there are various types of threats to our natural environment like- air pollution and water pollution. to reduce this amount of pollution we should use that technology which saves energy.
If government support this project and organise some supportive seminars to aware people of this project ,then it will get boomed up. social networking sites can be used for this project to make it successfull.
A noble idea. the idea is really good and the best thing is it is not hard to execute. I would really want the idea to be executed as soon as possible
the best thing is easy to acheive. just train people what they need to do. rest will be taken care of.
Great way to contribute to reducing carbon footprint
If this proposal is implemented effectively and get many owners come on board, it can contribute to a great deal in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions in Toronto. This innovative idea is important in each person playing a role in reducing carbon footprint while benefiting in the process.
By implementing this project on a larger scale and getting more condos involved is the major way to have a significant reduction in the amount of greenhouse gas emission in Toronto.
Nice initiation
This proposal is very good. I like this project. Main strength of this project is, it would save the electiricty and poeple will live in one building. It will decline Cultural differences.
The only weakness is to see if poeple work or not.
This proposal is so good of its category. The only improvement needed is to make poeple aware of consequences of lack electricity.
A Magnificent Approach !!
The purpose behind this conservation idea is quite explanatory, both in terms of its practical applicability and realistic approach. Starting with the Centennial Residence itself would re-instate the belief of "Charity Begins At Home". As can also be seen with the help of statistical data from EcoSpark, this idea will definitely help in bringing down the energy consumption pattern across all levels of application.
In a way as to bring more Transparency in terms of how the benefits of low consumption could possibly be tranferred from the Owner to the actual individual who pays the bill (in terms of a Non Sub-Metered Condo). This idea can also be promoted if it is marketed to the right people in the right places at the right time (the decision makers).
Sensitive idea.
This proposal is very nice and sensitive. It makes sense that live in a suit and having a sub-metered to consume electricity less. strenght of this proposal is proposal is poeple who will consume electricity.
on the other hand, weakness is also poeple if people dont think about it.
This proposal can be improved by making them aware of it.
Residential plan
This residential plan is very nice approach. If this proposal works good, then it will be very beneficial for consuming less electricity.
Congratulations on the
Congratulations on the innovation of this project, i am really glad that this project has been thought of. if this project gets to be implemented, it would assist in the reduction of energy consumption in Toronto, even it can be extended to the whole of Canada.
Owners of houses would now consume energy rationally.
This program can be improved much more better by advertisment, making more people aware of the benefits of carrying out the project.
conserving energy
The project is very beneficial for the environment, and also it does good to the society. Since it is an individual activity, people can join it easily just by doing it right the minute. the best way is to save power other than replacing the bulbs,which is going to cost them and it is very beneficial.
The implementation of this project is very important.By implementing this project on a larger scale and getting more condos involved is the major way to have a significant reduction in the amount of greenhouse gas emission and we can save a lot of energy to the country.
It is a very good proposal.
It is a very good proposal. If canadian government implement this project, the wastage of energy will definitely reduced.
Great Idea
This is the best step to save the carbon savings at present. This helps the governement and the tenants to control the consumption of the energy. This idea can lead to save the environment.
This step needs to be supported by locals and governements. Every citizen should take initiative to support this step.
emmission free environment
The strength of the project is that it will encourage and force people to save energy. The weakness is the implementation; it will be a little bit expensive to implement.
Effective and Efficient Idea
Its very impottant and greatest asset. As compared to other ideas this project has more positives and is seriously viable. The project is truely effective and efficient which goes a long way to contribute socially. It contributes a lot as it reduces emmission and saves energy consumption. its a new venture and totally bring people together to contribute towards society and enviornment for which it makes natural balance for earth
This proposal is very good so many people need to contribute in helping the enviornment which it have benefits. Good incentives to be provide. it is very important that many people try to take part in this project to helping and saving enviornment
Fantastic Idea
Its good idea to save energy and the environmnet as well. It seems to be more effective. This project will create awareness among people and it would be more beneficial to all of us.
More efforts to improve this proposal and creativity of this proposal would be more beneficial.
amazing idea
its a very new nd inovative idea.This will lead to progress as well create ne innovations .
just implement it..
its a innovation for betterment of society
i really like this concept. we have really made an effort to our condo to reduce the consumption and wastage of electricity. when i discussed this with few of my building friends they like the idea to... amazing, innovative, and really executable.....
Sounds like a great one-time action.
I thought there's already going to be a ban on incandescent lightbulbs, so this sounds like it'll eventually happen by itself. Is there more to this plan than switching to lower energy light fixtures?
Other places of energy savings other than lighting? Find a way to save on heat/cooling, which usually costs much more than lighting.
it's a good start
It will be difficult to enforce in the rental community. Best of luck!
Don't strand savings, go for more
Conservation is the biggest, cheapest, fastest way to reduce emissions -- it is great to have entreprenerial projects that will go out and 'harvest' these nega-watts. The collaboration between Centennial and private sector partner is very functional. TAF is a big fan of LED lighting, although more experience in the utlitity/outdoor space than indoor applications which are more quality-oriented. My concern with targetted lighting retrofits is that it is "cherry-picking", meaning going for the obvious, highly cost-effective conservation measures, but leaving behind plenty of other conservation opportunities which, on their own, are not as cost-effective and then no-one wants to do them because of a long payback. If you bundle up multiple measures, they are all cost-effective together.
Specifically address this cherry-picking problem by including other conservation measures in the offering. Once you have invested in the marketting/outreach to get the customer, don't waste the opportunity -- offer them more service, provide them with more savings.
Turning off the light
This is a good project. People should turn off the light when they leave.
My little sister doesn't use air conditioner that much.
My sister also saves energy
My little sister is in grade 4. She doesn't use air conditioner that much. Sometimes she washes her clothes by hand to save energy.
Great idea
Small change make huge different!
Good concept
We live in an apartment and already have already replaed most of our lightbulbs with compact fluorescents. Since the building doesn't provide lightbulbs it is our choice as tennants.
Would buildings give their tennants free lightbulbs to make the change? They can be expensive and since you might only live in an apartment for a year or two they aren't really worth the investment.
Concept of Bright Future
Your project really works on industrial cities to protect environment and save on energy.
fantatic Idea
This is very good proposal, hope Cancadian government implement it!
Importance of saving the enviironment
The next generation of human beings shall inherit this earth in the condition that we leave it. What our future children will have
will depend directly on this generation of ours and hence it is our responsibility and duty to care for the environment today.
Saving the Environment
Energy efficiency is achieved in various ways. It aims to reduce the amount of energy that is required by a certain product or service that we use in our homes or offices.
Save the planet
I really like how you are tackling the problem of wasted energy. Once you implement this change it will be changed forever.
I can't wait to see this implemented!! Good luck
Save energy Save future
The proposal for saving energy leads towards saving future generation
Government support should give success to this idea with the help of people who are end user
Excellent Idea
I can see the demand for this project being very strong.
I don't really understand how you propose to be self sustaining.
Long Term Relevance?
There is no doubt that replacing outdated lighting technologies can yield impressive savings. One concern I have with this proposal is that when it comes to in-suite lighting in apartment buildings, you are really looking almost exclusively about replacing incandescent light bulbs with either CFL or LED. However, incandescent light bulbs are due to be phased out in Canada by 2014, so every apartment dweller will have to make this switch by 2015 regardless. Of course technology will continue to improve, but the energy savings from going from CFL to LED will be marginal.
In other words, I suspect that currently scheduled regulations will render this approach largely redundant within 3 years.
new but responsible appeal
the strength of this concept is that it also includes students in it.
weakness is that there would be some resitance from the group.
this can be improved through education
It could be hard to get the renters on board on mass. As a renter myself, I am weary of doing a hole lighting reno or replacing every bulb with the most efficient $15-$30 blub. If I knew I would be at the same place for the next say, 3-4 years, then I could justify the investment.
It could be hard to get condo owners/apartment building owners to do this unless there is significant savings or government incentives such as MEER(Multi Energy Efficiency Rebate Program). Although I like the idea of using less it could be difficult to execute this venture.
Great Proposal
Great idea
big but small
I like how you are 'validating an approach' even if we are all anxious to see change tomorrow it is important to learn what really works. I also like your focus on lighting, rather than all energy uses, to make the educational goals and personal change habits more manageable.
How can your approach bridge the disconnect between lighting use and utility bills which often is not seen/understood by renters?
Buildings are huge energy
Buildings are huge energy waisters...great idea!
I think the trick is to try
I think the trick is to try to encourage the most amount of particapation city wide to truly help this wonderful idea prosper.
Keep it going
Great idea, Lets see some more support next round
keep it going
surprising that there is not more support
Proposal is well documented; maybe you need more minor details?
Taking care of the energy
Taking care of the energy wasting giants!
more condos
There are so many new condos being built so this has potential
low energy is the key to the future

The ClimateSpark Social Venture Challenge is a project of:

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Growing Buzz
I want to thank all of the people who commented in phase 1. The feedback was awesome and we hope to hear more on what you think of this project.
Multi-residential buildings are major electricity consumers and are the next step in targeting the growing concern for inefficent light bulbs. A majority of people that occupy rental buildings do not have an incentive to upgrade their lighting because they are not sub-metered and are not directly paying for the amount of energy they are consuming. This project gives those communities an opportunity to participate in a program that allows them to do so.
Please comment and give us more feedback and any questions will be answered.