Our Power - Driving Ontario's Solar Energy Revolution!

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If you are interested in becoming a green energy innovator or would like to simply reduce your home's carbon footprint, then Our Power is the tool for you!

We walk you through your initial steps to making a positive impact on climate change by conducting an assessment of your property's solar potential and connecting you to a reliable installation company in your area.

Our Power enables residential solar energy installations, simplifies your solar decision, and connects industry partners to homeowners.

Contestant organization: 
TREC Renewable Energy Co-operative
Describe your venture: 

If you are interested in becoming a green energy innovator or would like to simply reduce your home's carbon footprint, then Our Power is the tool for you!

We walk you through your initial steps to making a positive impact on climate change by conducting an assessment of your property's solar potential and connecting you to a reliable installation company in your area.

Our Power enables residential solar energy installations, simplifies your solar decision, and connects industry partners to homeowners.

Using resources derived from years of renewable energy project development, Our Power provides Ontario homeowners with real world experience and real time data. 

  • Within our first three years:

        o 110 systems installed and feeding the grid
        o $2 million of business channeled to Ontario’s leading solar providers

  • We work as an active community partner in:

        o Neighbourhoods across Toronto: West Toronto, Downtown Toronto, the Beach, Thornhill, Riverdale and East York   
        o Communities around Ontario: Guelph, Waterloo, Halton Region, Mississauga, Northumberland County and the                     o Mennonite Solar Initiative Providing real time production data available on the internets

  • We have an in-depth knowledge of the solar industry in Ontario
  • We were responsible for 31% of residential systems installed under the Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program (2007-2009) in Ontario
  • We were actively involved in developing the new Ontario Feed-in-Tariff Program in 2009
  • We possess the largest Canadian database of homeowner solar enthusiasts
  • We provide on-line and in-person solar education, information and tools for decision making support

Our Power is your source of uniquely independent and credible solar information. We have an in-depth knowledge of the solar industry in Ontario



Our Power is a project developed by TREC Renewable Energy Co-operative  www.trec.on.ca

Web: http://www.ourpower.ca/Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TRECCoopTwitter: http://twitter.com/TRECoopBlog: http://www.trec.on.ca/blog

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If you are interested in solar for your home but don't know where to start this website is a great tool to help you think through the decison and find reliable answers to your key questions.

How could this proposal be improved?: 

It would be great if everyone had access to accurate and assessible information about the solar potential of their house/property/neighbourhood.  Would be great to expand reach and scope.

Solar energy is less expensive than other just installation is expensive. 

How could this proposal be improved?: 

To get more response provide statistical data, how much you can save money with solar energy? By this more people attract towards the idea after seeing  the last result. 

The non-sustainable approach of adding variable renewables to the grid system without balance.

1Kw Variable Energy feeding the grid (your Solar) = 2Mw Peaker Plant Energy (because the grid needs balance).

You are adding carbon to the environment by neglecting load balancing and the variable energy impact to our grid.


How could this proposal be improved?: 

Show your carbon reduction metrics, explain how a Solar Co-op connecting to the grid is saving carbon. 

I think that Our Power is a very comprehensive approach to the first steps in designing your own clean energy system. I also think the image with the metrics is clear and provides pertinent information.

How could this proposal be improved?: 

A broader reach would be great so that all Ontarions can benefit from the information.

I think that Our Power is a very comprehensive approach to the first steps in designing your own clean energy system. I also think the image with the metrics is clear and provides pertinent information.

How could this proposal be improved?: 

A broader reach would be great so that all Ontarions can benefit from the information.

It is great to see not only the environmental benefits of choosing solar but also that your investment could produce a competative rate of return.

Every home owner I've reccommended Our Power to who is interested in roof top solar has told me the site was very helpful.

The best thing about Our Power is that the estimates are all based on local data from actual systems installed - this means the production and revenue estimates are much more acurate and reliable.  

How could this proposal be improved?: 

Accessing and compiling data from systems operating accross Ontario would help further refine local production estimates.

I think it is great that Our Power will help homeowners take the first, and likely, most stressful steps to incorporating solar power into their home.

I really like the concept of Our Power and how it allows citizens to take the power back and invest in renewable energy.

How could this proposal be improved?: 


 Generating power where people use it, instead of far away dependent on long-distance transmission lines, is good for energy self-sufficiency. And we need to do everything we can to slow climate change, so low carbon renewable energy is essential for our future.

 Congratulations to TREC for yet another innovative idea.

A previous commenter here was inferring that solar electricity generation can imbalance the grid and actually add to GHG emissions. This is completely untrue and in fact, the daily pattern of output from solar electrical generation matches the grid's need for increased generation beautifully, in fact better than any other non-dispatchable generation source.

Our Power's intent to have homeowners add a residential PV system to their home is absolutely a benefit to the environment (not to mention the grid itsself andf the homeowner's wallet long term).

No one else has the honest, fact-based information to pass on about all aspect of these systems, or gives homeowners so much unbiased assistance...Our Power is a one-of-a-kind entity.

Its only weakness is that it is underutilized!

How could this proposal be improved?: 

Can't think of how.

I am inspired that this project enables the public to help the project along, as well as get a financial return. Brilliant!

How could this proposal be improved?: 

By continuing to scale up, hopefully with the help of OPG and the Premier's office.

oilnomore's picture

Your service for homeowners to become green energy generators is vital. You are bridging consumers or green energy participants. You are the one to make the things happen. You are creating a balance of power in green renewable energy industry. As homeowners green energy generation are growing and providing significant contribution, you may confront some road blocks laid on your way from multinational green energy companies.

How could this proposal be improved?: 

You may think of your service for homeowners grown so significant when its impact outpaces big multinationals. When and if that becomes a reality, you should keep your position at the time of inception, staying with homeowners, serving them in faith as a mission. Can you stay non-profit entity all the way? Your service is a core of grassroots movement of green energy movement. Think of the day when every homeowner’s rooftop has solar panels or mini wind turbines. By the way, you may want to include homeowners’ wind turbines in your service.

If solar PV is to work in this society we have to get better at meeting people's need for a way forward. Our Power can be part of that solution but the partnership with effective installation companies has to be developed imultaneously or well educated folks will not have the basis to make their investment.  Our Power can be the catalyst to get this part of the equation back on track.

oilnomore's picture

Building partnership is a key. You are more than the catalyst. You can be proactive in the forefront. Unite the grassroots movement. When each of pearls in the sector becomes threaded into a beautiful chain, the People will find the solution for which all will join in the movement.

How could this proposal be improved?: 

There are three groups: installation companies, educated homeowners and Our Power. Installation companies form an association, and educated homeowners form another association. Our Power would deal with the two associations. Your job would be simpler and more effective. You are more than the catalyst. You can be movers and shakers in the green energy movement.

If we are going to change our culture in favour of clean renewable energy, we need programs like Our Power, which make it easier for people to become generators themselves. Then it's truly our power, and not just power created by a detached system.

Rich Whate's picture

People need a clearer path to making solar a reality.  This could be it. 

How could this proposal be improved?: 

More detail on how it works with incentives and "the system" to make this an affordable reality for homeowners.  That may come from the next stages of Climate Spark...this is a good candidate for further examination.

Getting a source of unbiased information and providing viable options with a return are up to are the greatest strengths.

How could this proposal be improved?: 

Strong case studies.

mpickering's picture

This service is key to helping homeowners navigate the solar sector and participate in Ontario's Feed-In-Tariff program. It's still tough to see how a sustainable business model can be applied here, but with growing confidence in the sector combined with the TREC's experience, I think a way forward can be found.

How could this proposal be improved?: 

More information on the business model would help the community help you explore ways this initiative could be self-sustaining over time.

Our Power offers a unique service in a cluttered solar market. While certain elements are offered by solar companies, Our Power is uniquely unbiased. Homeowers and others interested in installing a solar system can be overwhelmed by the range of solar offers and the degree of process complexity. Our Power provides clarity and essential information to those deliberating becoming solar pioneers.  This is a great proposal but is challenged by the degree of noise in the market place. Not enough people have been exposed to the Our Power service which is a real shame since we're beginning to hear about people being hood-winked which will give solar a bad name. This is definitely my favorite proposal submitted and warrants further consideration. 

How could this proposal be improved?: 

its unique, addresses a need, is already making an impact in the market

How could this proposal be improved?: 

marketing, marketing, marketing which requires upfront funding, funding, funding. The degree of success of OurPower has had on a shoestring budget speaks to its success as a model, it just needs to get out to more people

I'd like to see what a bit of financial support can do to the reach of this project. I know many interested in developing their own systems and with a facilitator like Our Power they can be secure in the fact that they are making the most appropriate decisions for their homes. Looking forward to seeing Our Power in the next ClimateSpark rounds.

Great concept, shows homeowners how to go solar. 

How could this proposal be improved?: 

If you could also connect homeowners with financing you might have a revenue stream for marketing. 

Reblacka's picture

As someone with little technical expertise, I appreciate the non-partisan aspects a non-profit can bring to the table to help me and my neighbours assess our home's solar potential.  Matchmaking with installers really takes the worry out of the process.  Thanks Our Power.

How could this proposal be improved?: 

Testimonials and / or case studies and Our Power educational presentations would be great.

Love Our Power

How could this proposal be improved?: 

Just a reminder the website details on solar thermal are out of date.

The great thing about Our Power is that it gives home owners the an honest answer for how to get solar installed in Ontario.  Beyond those borders, the information about the technology is very helpful also.  This project helps home owners navigate their way to getting solar and figuring out if it is a good option for them.  I see that this has been happening regardless of the incentives being offered and Our Power has been a reliable resource no matter the political cliamte.  


How could this proposal be improved?: 

more reach throughout Ontario would be very welcome! I love the idea!

This is a great tool for anyone looking to get into the solar power industry. The website offers tons of information for new comers to work with. By having online and in person solar education you are able to reach a larger audience. It would be great to see Our Power become a community partner with some smaller communities further north of the GTA

it is amazing that one's house can be used as a energy producing unit for the society, especially green energy. the idea is simple and apt for today's needs for energy.

How could this proposal be improved?: 

what about the average cost of installation and how can an individual household benefit from it.

Solar panels are a hard sell, too expensive

How could this proposal be improved?: 

I have been approached my many vendors directly to my home

The world is facing severe environmental problems. If w don't reduce our enrgy consumption by useing fossil ful, it will harm the quality of life of our future generation. Renuable energy and particularly solar energy has huge potential to save our environment and the future of our next generation. Therefore, I think that it is a good proposal. We need to expand the use of solar energy as much as possible, even if it is a little bit of expensive than that of traditional energy base on fossile fuel. I think, canadian government need to promote renuable energy as much as possible for sustainable development. 

How could this proposal be improved?: 

I think it is a good proposal. Canadian government needs to take it seriously.

Great project! My Toronto house is surrounded by trees (yay!) and so I can't participate in my own solar project (ohhhhh!), but SolarShare gives me a way to participate in the solar revolution and to green my investment portfolio at the same time.

I like this idea most.

1. Solar light is freely available so we can save money.

2. Solar energy has no any other side effects so save envirionment.

3. One time cost and use it benifits over time.

How could this proposal be improved?: 

This is great idea and we should start to implement this kind opportunity without any delay.

Our Power has broad application and appeal and could be a valuable (indispensable?) tool for any number of agencies. OurPower as the independent solar expert can easily make the information created on its website available to utilities, municipalities, and other public agencies that want to help their clients/constituents with their solar installation. Its applicable to urban home owners, to small businesss and rural farmers.  The idea is genius but getting the word out and reaching people in a noisy crowded market is difficult.  Our Power needs more institutional partners to help spread the word and then we can expect to see this take off. Toronto Hydro and the city of Toronto are obvious partners in TO. The on-line presence however, makes this project great across the province.  This is a suberb entry. Looking forward to learning more in the next round!

How could this proposal be improved?: 

it needs some institutional partners / strategic alliances to provide more exposure and ideally some funding for marketing  

As i said this is brillent technology to utilize the natural resources. As this idea is getting familiarity more and more people will contact to install the technology at home and at organization to utilize natural resources. 

How could this proposal be improved?: 

For tade partners you can look for oversea partners who is in same business. Like India, there is good market for solar technology because its clime is sunny all over the year. So there is good market opportunity. 

I've said so in my previus entry

How could this proposal be improved?: 

I've already filled in this field

This sounds like an advertising pitch, it's hard to judge the benefit of local solar panels without knowing their efficiency, the environmental impact of their production, and the cost efficiency vs alternative energy sources.

Also a cost comparison of consumer photovoltaics vs a large solar power plants should be given to show whether this project is indeed justified.

The idea behind this is very good to use Sun as a source of Energy, but where we want to start this campaign is Ontario and here its just 6 months of Summer and that also out of this 2 to 3 months are gone in monsoon. So this idea is a good idea but with lots of obstacles. Hope this project works as it is a great idea to atleast save some sort of energy

Its true in Ontario it will not useful so much because climate. But it is very useful, solar technology in the country where the clime is very sunny or most of the day it is sunny. Sunny climate is basic to produce more solar energy.  

How could this proposal be improved?: 

Go global to get more business.

This project is good and will be very helpful in future if implemented properly and be a successful one. There are some obstacles in which they have work and take it to normal

How could this proposal be improved?: 

Try to create awareness among public.

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