Vermicomposting Toronto (Finalist)
Cathy's Crawly Composters, Common Ground Co-operative Inc.
Vermicomposting Toronto is a plan to install environmentally sustainable vermicomposting systems for processing pre-consumer organic waste produced in community organizations. Vermicomposters and organic collection services will be maintained by organization's clients. This will provide a beneficial and stimulating activity for clients as well as providing a revenue-stream for the organization.
Insulated vermicomposting (worm composting) systems can digest tonnes of organic waste and turn it into nutrient rich Worm Casting compost. The finished product (Worm Castings) has a high commercial and environmental value and can constitute a new profit stream by the participating community organizations.
This system has already been successfully installed in one local community organization (Coffee Shed – Surrey Place, Toronto: see video link below) and we would like to expand it across the GTA.
The insulated design of the Vermicomposter means the system will continue to operate outdoors, year round. This is a proven design that will expand as needs grow. Similar units have been in operation for a number of years in Toronto, Nova Scotia and Michigan. The vermicomposter will be able to process most of the pre-consumer food scraps produced in the kitchen, cafeteria or coffee stations. This system will also be expandable. When more organics are produced, the number of worms will increase to match the increased food source.
The system is an above ground, wooden structure measuring 12’x4’x3’ (Please see sample pictures below). This unit will has an area of 48 square feet and would accommodate up to 50,000 Red Wiggler worms. The worm bin would be insulated in the walls and lid with Styrofoam insulation allowing the worm bin to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
The final product in the vermicomposting process is worm castings (castings is the polite term for worm poo). These castings are nutrient rich and are one of nature's finest soil additives. Valued by gardeners and farmers alike for its incredible effect on plant growth and health.
Worm Castings can be screened and sold in bulk or formed into “Poo Balls” and sold by the dozen. Worm Castings are an environmentally friendly choice for fund-raising programs. A product that is not only environmentally friendly but continually reproducing at no extra cost.
Red Wiggler worms eat approximately half their weight in food scraps daily. Because of their incredible appetite Red Wigglers are valued for their ability to convert vast amounts of organic waste into a nutrient rich organic soil amendment. A worm bin with 50,000 Red Wigglers will process 25 pounds of organic waste daily. That's over 9,000 pounds of organic waste that doesn't have to be shipped across the province each year! Instead of rotting in the landfill, off-gassing methane and other greenhouse gases, the organics are processed at source responsibly.
On-site management of organics reduces the number of trucks collecting organic waste on Toronto streets.
Cathy Nesbitt: Chair of Green Connections, Worm Advocate and founder of Cathy's Crawly Composters.
Cathy's Crawly Composters (est. 2002) is an environmental business specializing in Vermicomposting and organic diversion. Through inspirational story telling and an incredible sense of humour, Cathy has raised the level of awareness about sustainable living. Cathy has been acknowledged with several environmental and business awards, and is recognized as one of the country’s foremost vermicomposting experts.
Rick Nesbitt: Head Worm Technician – Cathy's Crawly Composters.
With several years experience growing and cultivating worms in GTA, Rick has designed and built vermicomposting systems that will survive a Canadian winter.
Once the initial construction and setup of the Vermicomposting system is established there is very little cost to maintaining the system. Sales of the finished product (Worm Castings) will even provide some income moving forward. There is also income potential from tipping fees from collecting organic matter from surrounding facilities.
Staff and clients from the proposed organizations will be trained to care for and maintain the Vermicomposters. Cathy's Crawly Composters will provide support and the “Worm Hot-Line” will be available for assistance and trouble-shooting.
The initial investment in Vermicomposting reaps multiple benefits: the diversion of food waste from landfills lengthens the viable usable life of those landfills so fewer new sites need to be established, allows fewer trucks on the road for transportation of waste poducts, thereby reducing emissions of greenhouse gasses from truck exhaust and the reduction of fossil fuel consumption by those trucks. Also the vermicomposting itself produces valuable compost material--fantastic, effective natural fertilizer, which can be marketed and sold to generate revenue. There is also intrinsic value in providing a means for people to "do their part" for the environment by diverting their compostable food waste from the landfill stream. This is especially true in situations, like office workplaces, where they formerly probably did not have control over how their waste was handled. Finally, as the vermicomposting sites continue to function and thrive, they will produce even more worms which could be used to establish more facilities near to the initial site, or again, could be maketed and sold as a valuable "green" comodity.
Make it bigger! The more sites that are established; the more the above benefits can be realized.
Wiggle Room
Cathy, congratulations on such a wonderful idea and implementation strategy. I know you will make a world of difference in TO!!
We all need to take stock of where our waste is going and protect our planet. This is an important step forward in reducing our trash. Let's get the votes in for this composting project!!!
Worms make great castings!
We are huge fans of worm composting and believe it to be a great way to create organic matter to add to urban gardens. I'm curious to hear what your payback period is for these units is. I'm thinking that if you can shorten the payback period, your clients can reinvest the savings into building additional bins and thus multiplying the emissions reduction potential.
re: Worms make great castings!
I think the biggest strength and value of the proposal is the experience and expertise Cathy brings to the project. There are lots of existing worm composter designs and systems in place and even several DIY kits and templates available online.
Perhaps a training video, ongoing support, and worm bin checksups could be used as complimentary and/or value added services to ensure the project is self supporting (if it isn't already).
Congrats Cathy
It's wonderful that you've been selected as a finalist. The education that you will be providing will expand and benefit so many that are currently unaware of the benefits.
Business Plan and Carbon Calculation
Hi Cathy - congrats on being in the top 20! Now we need to get more "down and dirty" regarding how this project will make money and save carbon. Could you please provide more info on:
Business Case: What are the upfront costs for your worm systems per unit and who pays? Are there any periodic maintenance costs? What is the going rate for "poo balls" and what is the expected sales income annually? How would these profits be allocated between your venture group (for expansion costs) and the community group? How would the product be marketed and distributed? Doyou have a list of community groups already keen to participate?
Regulatory: Are their any rules and regs that will impact where you can and can't set up your processors? Any real or perceived issues regarding smell and attracting vermin?
Carbon: what specific waste streams are you thinking of capturing - for these, is the waste you plan to divert now going into landfill, or being collected by the city's green bin program? Have you done any research on how many units of eC02 these organics will produce? If so, please share - this will be a critical evaluation component. Also remember to consider what carbon you may be consuming by transporting and distributing the final worm castings product to end users.

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Congratulations Cathy on being a Finalist!
Just think of the amount of garbage we would divert from landfill! The avg Canadian produces a tonne of waste each year. The impact would be huge and in return, the worm produces such a beautiful nitrogen rich fertilizer that could be used by so many residential/commercial organizations.
The fact that this is already working makes this proposal a no-brainer. VOTE 10!!! Good for you Cathy!